May 19th, 2016%
Join us on May 20-22, from 12-5pm, as we celebrate the community and work created by the Spring 2016 cohort of the Autodesk Artists in Residence Program at Pier 9. Featured projects include work created by fine artists, roboticists, inventors, designers, and a host of other creatives. More info here.
. . . → Read More: Pier 9 AIR Show – May
April 23rd, 2016% I’m posting a lot of my work-in-progress to Instagram. If you’d like to check it out follow me there!
April 8th, 2016%
The Porcupine Vest is a wearable, spikey body-extension that allows you to take up more space. You can use it to expand your footprint and sometimes your personal expression. Check out the Instructable here:
. . . → Read More: Porcupine Vest
April 5th, 2016%
This July I’ll be back in Copenhagen teaching a 1-week Social Wearables class at CIID. Here’s the info:
Introduction to the intricate relationship between the human body and emerging technologies
Workshop Dates: July 25th – 29th, 2016
Keywords: wearables, wearable computing, wearable electronics, soft circuits, social, wireless
Description: Wearables are suddenly everywhere. . . . → Read More: Social Wearables at CIID – July 2016!
March 11th, 2016% Pinky Linkers are physical devices that allow two people who might not know each other very well to experience a physical bond. They are customized to reflect both the size of each individual’s pinky as well as how close each person feels to the other. Check out the Instructable here:
This version of the . . . → Read More: Pinky Linkers
February 29th, 2016% ITP Camp is featured in a lovely 6-page spread in the Spring 2016 NYU Alumni Magazine. Check it out here, pages 36-41.
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February 18th, 2016%
I’m getting settled in at the amazing residency at Autodesk’s Pier 9. This past week we were assigned a mini-group project to help us get warmed up and to get to know each other. I worked with Johan Da Silveira, Jonah Ross-Mars, and Purin Phanichphant to create a Bicycle-Mounted Banana Suspender.
You can check . . . → Read More: Bicycle-Mounted Banana Suspender
December 9th, 2015% Last weekend I returned to Brooklyn Shoespace for a 5-hour class on making leather slippers. The bootmaking I did last month was amazing but extremely time-consuming. Now that I’m moving on to thinking about iterative design and how to quickly build some electronics into footwear I thought it might be good to learn how to . . . → Read More: Slippers
December 4th, 2015% Physical media lives on!
I just received “Electtronica Wearable: Disegna, prototipa e indossa i tuoi vestiti e accessori interattivi” from It is the Italian translation of my book “Make: Wearable Electronics”. Besides being in Italian, this version also includes a new preface from the lovely Zoe Romano who I got to meet this summer . . . → Read More: In Print
December 1st, 2015% I’ve been on a bit of a workshop binge this Fall. Back in October I took “Leather Working 101” at the Textile Arts Center in Brooklyn. It was a great opportunity flush out my basic knowledge of leather tools and techniques. I’ve picked up bits and pieces from the leatherwork we’ve been doing at Social . . . → Read More: Leather Working and Natural Dyeing