Day 3 = awesome! Today was about assembling, sewing, and lasting. The most nerve wracking moment was sewing the stitch around the ankle. I chose a contrasting color (neon pink!) so there wasn’t a lot of room for error. But both came out straight! The most bewildering moment was lasting the upper. When yanking on the veg tan it seemed impossible that it would reassemble itself into a reasonable shape, but with some help from Becca and Keiko it did. Now both look very much boot-shaped. Next up – soles and heels!
- The dried vamps after coming off the board
- All the pieces! L to R – cut down vamps, counters, assembled linings
- Hammering a side seam on the uppers
- Hammered size seam
- Seam tape used for reinforcement
- Assembled upper
- Choosing a contrasting color for the top stitch
- Completed top stitch – it’s straight!
- Trimmed raw edge
- Lasting the lining
- Lasted and glued lining
- Adding stiffeners to the toe and heel
- Lasting the upper – hardest step!
- Fully lasted boot!
- Boots with glue, left to dry overnight