Porcupine Experiments

Porcupine Vest, Version 1

After making many expensive wearable electronic devices I wanted to create a very basic, playful wearable with a design that made it cheap and easy for people to make their own. The Porcupine Vest is a wearable constructed from everyday materials that enables the wearer to alter and play with their spatial footprint.

The vest is constructed of cardboard, brass fasteners and washers, nylon webbing, and triglide fasteners. The parametric design was created using Autodesk’s Fusion 360 and cardboard was cut using an Epilog laser cutter. Details on how to construct one can be found here: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Porcupine-Vest/

Porcupine Vest, V2

On April 9, 2016 a Porcupine Workshop & Spiky Cocktail Hour was held at Autodesk’s Pier 9 in San Francisco. Participants were supplied materials and instructions and then left to craft their own creations. Many innovations and deviations occurred.

On December 16, 2016 a modified version of the workshop was offered at Social Body Lab as part of the Make Friends Monthly Meetup. The parametric design were adjusted to create spike sets appropriately scaled for headpieces. Participants were invited to create porcupine hats and crowns.