On or about the body
Kate Hartman creates objects that play with the relationship between humans and technology. During her sabbatical she explored how our bodies can be connected, extended, captured, and transformed using both traditional and digital tools. In this presentation she will address the nitty gritty of her prototyping processes as well as the learnings and outcomes of her physical and social experiments. Subjects include pinky fingers, porcupines, and human-machine romance. This presentation will be casual and conversational. The work discussed will be on view and she might make you do something fun with the person sitting next to you.
Work on view:
Thursday, October 19th 5:00-8:00PM
Friday, October 20th, 2:00-5:00PM
or by special request
Thursday, October 19th 6-7:30PM
OCAD University
Graduate Gallery
205 Richmond St West
Ground Floor
Something-in-Residence @ ITP/NYU
New York City
September – December 2015
Speaker & Workshop Leader @ Catskills Conference
Olivebridge, NY
October 21-23, 2016
Mini Residency at Adafruit
–Wearable Electronics Show with Becky Stern
–Ask an Engineer with Lady Ada
–Getting Started with MyoWare Muscle Sensor
–‘Sup Brows
New York City
January 18-22, 2016
Artist-in-Residence @ Autodesk Pier 9
San Francisco
Winter/Spring 2016
Social Wearables Workshop @CIID
July 25-29, 2016